Fedora 34 IoT Edition Test Week

More information about the event can be found here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2021-04-12_Fedora_34_IoT_Edition
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Username Profile Install to SATA Install to VirtIO Comments
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Richard N Woodward Install to SATA [1] 1. Fedora 34 Beta installed OK. I was surprised, however, that 'locate' did not work until I ran 'updatedb'. A soft link to my local website (running under Apache) failed with spurious diagnostic when I first used it---problem disappeared when I disabled selinux (my normal mode of running).
donaldsebleung QEMU Standard PC _Q35 + ICH9, 2009_; Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS) x 1
ersen virt-manager
geraldosimiao KVM - Qemu-system
lnie kvm
nickavem GNOME Boxes: AMD® Ryzen 5 2600x six-core processor × 12, 2.0GB/15.6 GiB RAM, 20GB/1.0 TB Disk Capacity


Username Profile Previous KVM Current KVM Comments
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ersen virt-manager 3.2.0-2.fc33 and qemu-kvm 5.1.0-9.fc33
geraldosimiao Fedora-IoT-34-20210413.0.x86_64
lnie Fedora-IoT-34-20210413.0.x86_64
nickavem (Nested) virt-manager-3.2.0-2.fc33.noarch, qemu-kvm-5.1.0-5.fc33.x86_64: AMD® Ryzen 5 2600x six-core processor × 12, 2.0GB/15.6 GiB RAM, 20GB/1.0 TB D isk Capacity
nickavem virt-manager-3.2.0-3.fc34.noarch, qemu-kvm-5.2.0-5.fc34.1.x86_64: AMD® Ryzen 5 2600x six-core processor × 12, 2.0GB/15.6 GiB RAM, 20GB/1.0 TB Disk Cap acity
olem qemu-kvm 5.1.0-9.fc33 and virt-manager-3.2.0-2.fc33. VM with 512 MB RAM and 1 CPU

Disk Image Deployment

Username Profile ARM image deployment Comments
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Username Profile Zezere Ignition RpmOStree Upgrade RpmOstree Package Layering RpmOStree Rebase Podman Base service manipulation Greenboot Rpi Hardware Test Rebase Clevis Comments
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alciregi x86_64 raw image on KVM
donaldsebleung QEMU Standard PC _Q35 + ICH9, 2009_; Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS) x 1
lnie Fedora-IoT-34-20210413.0.x86_64 [1] [2] 1. #1949823,
2. #1949825,
nickavem GNOME Boxes: AMD® Ryzen 5 2600x six-core processor × 12, 2.0GB/15.6 GiB RAM, 20GB/1.0 TB Disk Capacity
olem qemu-kvm 5.1.0-9.fc33 and virt-manager-3.2.0-2.fc33. VM with 512 MB RAM and 1 CPU [1] [2] 1. #1949823, "device ID not yet known" - Also, some JS errors in Zezere portal (Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery)
2. Installed multiple packages at once
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