Fedora 36 CoreOS Test Day

More information about the event can be found here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:Fedora_36_CoreOS_2022-04-04
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Username Profile Virtual install Bare Metal install Comments
Enter result Enter result
Daniels QEMU - KVM (fedora-coreos-36.20220410.1.1-live.x86_64.iso) Host: Gnome 41.5 Intel® Pentium(R) CPU 4415U @ 2.30GHz × 4 Lenovo 2in1 14 [1] 1. ssh ((port (core@localhost) access denied to coreos 410)) Earlier versions of Coreos : 2022313.325. 327: Virtual Install. (No Pass) librvirt test Installs (OS: fedora-coreos-next, not recognized ) Smooth testing otherwise.
Nemric PXE installation [1] [2] 1. Configured swap on Zram with default settings
2. Running : 1) docker.io/grafana/promtail:latest instance 2) quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:latest instance 3) docker.io/library/registry:latest and docker.io/library/redis:latest in a pod
andilinux GNOME BOXES [1] 1. Fedora CoreOS next all worked fine for me
bittin FCOS next image
bittin FCOS next image in Virtualbox
checking FCOS next image
danniel FCOS next image
donaldsebleung FCOS next image with QEMU; arch: x86_64; custom Ignition file with password-based SSH access; launching with QEMU [1] [2] 1. Can confirm that IP address of VM is printed in FCOS stable but not FCOS next, using identical configuration. Does not seem to affect usability of system though
2. Using ignition file: https://github.com/DonaldKellett/fcos-test-day-cloud-launch/blob/main/fcos-test-... ; following documentation "launching with QEMU": https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-qemu/ ; did not see IP address of VM printed to console possibly because password-based SSH was configured instead of SSH key(s) ; both local and SSH password login worked as expected, did not find any system issues
dustymabe Installed FCOS `next` on Intel NUC
ersen virt-manager
geraldosimiao FCOS next image [1] 1. tested qemu qcow and iso image too
kisk fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-qemu.x86_64.qcow2.xz - libvirt
lnie fcos next image,x86_64,VM created by testcloud
lruzicka QEMU [1] 1. I was able to install using the approach described in https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-qemu/, however the approach described here https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-libvirt/ did not work and the command was complaining about no permission to read the ignition file which was the same (with same permissions) in both attempts.
millerthegorilla [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. these were both the x86_64 image
2. mounted virtual image as per https://gist.github.com/shamil/62935d9b456a6f9877b5 (Mount qcow image), and installed using https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/bare-metal/#_installing_from_.... Installer ran fine, sshd in, and no ip address was reported on screen. got the ip address from virt-manager and ssh'd in. Seems to be working, tried machinectl shell to open standard user from ignition file, worked fine.
3. started live cd install using virt-manager. Started ok, to prompt, but when trying to run coreos-installer picking up config.ign from the local network, the install failed with 'error checking whether /dev/sda is an ibm dasd disk.' Output of lsblk is garbled, with disk listed as '^%\xef\x9aaU'. Perhaps related to this (https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/coreos-pxeboot-coreos-installer-cant-form...)
4. edk2 install failed to present a network address to the internet, wired connection not recognised by router.
5. Docs for uboot at (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_...) assume a non rpm-ostree install on the host machine. Ie there is no dnf available on my silverblue laptop, and I couldn't figure how to install using toolbox (perhaps I should have used a --privileged flag to podman). The docs for EDK (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_...), should probably invite the user to expand their xfs partition before mounting. In my experience, only gparted has the capacity to do this correctly without too much hassle.
6. install on pi4b following instructions for edk2 at [fedora-docs](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_edk2_combined_disk_mode_alternate_machine_disk_preparation) - boot loads, after very long pause at grub boot screen 'booting coreos-vernum' , No IP address is shown, and SSH host key is displayed, 3 times, one for ecdsa, one for ed25519 and one for RSA. What are these host keys, and why are they displayed?
pnemade FCOS next image
sayaksarkar GNOME Boxes
sumantrom QEMU

Cloud launch

Username Profile AWS Azure GCP DigitalOcean VMWare Exoscale IBM Cloud VirtualBox Vultr OpenStack Alibaba Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
alciregi DigitalOcean droplet [1] [2] 1. ok, works (in the documentation: in doctl compute image create the "--wait" option thorws an error)
2. Droplet creation successfully. Can't ssh: I don't know if it is a problem on my side (ssh key, ignition file) or what else. Will try again later
danniel FCOS next image
donaldsebleung Fedora CoreOS 36 Next stream (arch: x86_64; ami: ami-066680d6ebe90fce1) on AWS [1] 1. Using https://github.com/DonaldKellett/fcos-test-day-cloud-launch#aws
donaldsebleung Fedora CoreOS 36 Next stream (arch: x86_64; instance type: e2-micro) on GCP [1] 1. Using https://github.com/DonaldKellett/fcos-test-day-cloud-launch#gcp
dustymabe 36.20220410.1.1 on s-2vcpu-2gb droplet in nyc3
dustymabe exoscale [1] 1. Failed to provisiion https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1160
dustymabe ibmcloud bx2-2x8 instance
fifofonix [1] 1. Successfully created and ssh'd into a fedora:36 next machine on vSphere 6.7 using govc following instructions linked from the test case. Some issues following govc instructions and suggested documentation improvements here: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1158
jdoss [1] 1. Fedora CoreOS 36.20220325.1.0 launched just fine on GCP with a e2-medium instance in us-central1-a
miabbott FCOS 36 on Aliyun [1] 1. Used fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-aliyun.x86_64.qcow2
mnguyen [1] [2] 1. Booted FCOS 36.20220325.1.0 on Azure in centralus following https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_CoreOS_Azure
2. Provisioned FCOS 36.20220325.1.0 on OpenStack following https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-openstack/. I did not need to assign floating IP for my OpenStack instance so those steps were not followed.
ravanelli Fedora CoreOS 36 Next stream (arch: x86_64) on VirtualBox [1] 1. 1. Successfully booted fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-live.x86_64.iso on VirtualBox using these instructions: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_CoreOS_Provisioning_on_VirtualBox
sayaksarkar fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-live.x86_64.iso
sohank2602 Fedora CoreOS 36 Next stream (arch: x86_64) on Vultr [1] 1. Successfully booted fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-vultr.x86_64 on Vultr using these instructions: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-vultr/


Username Profile AWS Virtual install Bare Metal install Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result
Daniels QEMU - KVM (fedora-coreos-36.20220410.1.1-live.x86_64.iso) Host: Gnome 41.5 Intel® Pentium(R) CPU 4415U @ 2.30GHz × 4 Lenovo 2in1 14 [1] 1. ssh ((port (core@localhost) access denied to coreos 410)) Earlier versions of Coreos : 2022313.325. 327: Virtual Install. (No Pass) librvirt test Installs (OS: fedora-coreos-next, not recognized ) Smooth testing otherwise.
Nemric PXE installation [1] [2] 1. Configured swap on Zram with default settings
2. Running : 1) docker.io/grafana/promtail:latest instance 2) quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:latest instance 3) docker.io/library/registry:latest and docker.io/library/redis:latest in a pod
andilinux GNOME BOXES [1] 1. Fedora CoreOS next all worked fine for me
bittin FCOS next image
bittin FCOS next image in Virtualbox
checking FCOS next image
danniel FCOS next image
donaldsebleung FCOS next image with QEMU; arch: x86_64; custom Ignition file with password-based SSH access; launching with QEMU [1] [2] 1. Can confirm that IP address of VM is printed in FCOS stable but not FCOS next, using identical configuration. Does not seem to affect usability of system though
2. Using ignition file: https://github.com/DonaldKellett/fcos-test-day-cloud-launch/blob/main/fcos-test-... ; following documentation "launching with QEMU": https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-qemu/ ; did not see IP address of VM printed to console possibly because password-based SSH was configured instead of SSH key(s) ; both local and SSH password login worked as expected, did not find any system issues
donaldsebleung Fedora CoreOS 36 Next stream (arch: x86_64; ami: ami-066680d6ebe90fce1) on AWS [1] 1. Using https://github.com/DonaldKellett/fcos-test-day-cloud-launch#aws
dustymabe Installed FCOS `next` on Intel NUC
ersen virt-manager
geraldosimiao FCOS next image [1] 1. tested qemu qcow and iso image too
kisk fedora-coreos-36.20220325.1.0-qemu.x86_64.qcow2.xz - libvirt
lnie fcos next image,x86_64,VM created by testcloud
lruzicka QEMU [1] 1. I was able to install using the approach described in https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-qemu/, however the approach described here https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-libvirt/ did not work and the command was complaining about no permission to read the ignition file which was the same (with same permissions) in both attempts.
millerthegorilla [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. these were both the x86_64 image
2. mounted virtual image as per https://gist.github.com/shamil/62935d9b456a6f9877b5 (Mount qcow image), and installed using https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/bare-metal/#_installing_from_.... Installer ran fine, sshd in, and no ip address was reported on screen. got the ip address from virt-manager and ssh'd in. Seems to be working, tried machinectl shell to open standard user from ignition file, worked fine.
3. started live cd install using virt-manager. Started ok, to prompt, but when trying to run coreos-installer picking up config.ign from the local network, the install failed with 'error checking whether /dev/sda is an ibm dasd disk.' Output of lsblk is garbled, with disk listed as '^%\xef\x9aaU'. Perhaps related to this (https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/coreos-pxeboot-coreos-installer-cant-form...)
4. edk2 install failed to present a network address to the internet, wired connection not recognised by router.
5. Docs for uboot at (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_...) assume a non rpm-ostree install on the host machine. Ie there is no dnf available on my silverblue laptop, and I couldn't figure how to install using toolbox (perhaps I should have used a --privileged flag to podman). The docs for EDK (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_...), should probably invite the user to expand their xfs partition before mounting. In my experience, only gparted has the capacity to do this correctly without too much hassle.
6. install on pi4b following instructions for edk2 at [fedora-docs](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-raspberry-pi4/#_edk2_combined_disk_mode_alternate_machine_disk_preparation) - boot loads, after very long pause at grub boot screen 'booting coreos-vernum' , No IP address is shown, and SSH host key is displayed, 3 times, one for ecdsa, one for ed25519 and one for RSA. What are these host keys, and why are they displayed?
pnemade FCOS next image
sayaksarkar GNOME Boxes
sumantrom QEMU

Advanced configuration

Username Profile Static networking Complex partitioning Building containers Containerized service Kernel Tuning (sysctl) Modifying Kernel Arguments OS extensions Configuring SwapOnZRAM Configuring Time Zone Debugging with Toolbox Customizing NIC name Setting alternatives Node counting Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
Nemric FCOS updated from "next 35" to "next 36" on baremetal [1] 1. Running : - docker.io/grafana/promtail:latest instance - quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:latest instance - docker.io/library/registry:latest and docker.io/library/redis:latest in a pod Services were running well before and after running 'podman system reset' -> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/major-changes/#_podman_v4_0
Nemric PXE installation
aaradhak [1] 1. Executed some debugging commands using toolbox version : registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-toolbox:35
aaradhak FCOS 36 next stream [1] 1. Debugged toolbox with strace command and it was succcessful
alciregi DigitalOcean droplet [1] 1. Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: Problem: conflicting requests Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - package vim-enhanced-2:8.2.4701-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-common = 2:8.2.4701-1.fc36, but none of the providers can> Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - package vim-enhanced-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-common = 2:8.2.4621-1.fc36, but none of the providers can> Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - package vim-common-2:8.2.4701-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-data = 2:8.2.4701-1.fc36, but none of the providers can be > Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - package vim-common-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-data = 2:8.2.4621-1.fc36, but none of the providers can be > Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - cannot install both vim-data-2:8.2.4701-1.fc36.noarch and vim-data-2:8.2.4579-1.fc36.noarch Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet rpm-ostree[1434]: - cannot install both vim-data-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.noarch and vim-data-2:8.2.4579-1.fc36.noarch Apr 10 09:27:49 my-fcos-droplet systemd[1]: rpm-ostree-install-vim.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
checking FCOS next image
donaldsebleung FCOS 36.20220325.1.0 on QEMU/KVM [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 1. Did not see IP address of VM printed to console after boot (prints when using "stable" stream), but does not affect usability of system
2. Static networking worked as expected. Configured IP address and netmask, gateway `ip addr show` gives correct IP, pinging the VM, host and external websites all work as expected
3. Test case "Adding /var/log from a secondary disk" works as expected: second disk is detected, partition created and formatted with xfs filesystem as specified, filesystem mounted on /var/log as specified
4. Rootless podman, privileged podman, privileged docker all passed
5. Busybox hello.service works as expected
6. kernel.sysrq test works as expected, custom value of 0 remains after a reboot
7. Setting systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 in the Ignition config worked as expected: got a visible warning message on SSH login, /proc/cmdline indicates the kernel argument has been set. Rebooted the VM, settings persisted. Used `rpm-ostree kargs` to (1) update systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy to 1; (2) remove systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy; (3) add systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0. All changes were correctly registered after a reboot.
8. Following the example "Layering vim and setting it as the default editor" in the docs results in a failed service with the following messages: Problem: conflicting requests - package vim-enhanced-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-common = 2:8.2.4621-1.fc36, but none of the providers can be installed - package vim-common-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.x86_64 requires vim-data = 2:8.2.4621-1.fc36, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both vim-data-2:8.2.4621-1.fc36.noarch and vim-data-2:8.2.4579-1.fc36.noarch . EDITOR is set correctly to vim though. Also the docs should mention that this service might take a while to run before the reboot.
hricky Intel® Core™ i7-4790 CPU, 32 GB RAM, Bare Metal [1] 1. Building and running container using podman in rootless mode failed. Others passed.
lnie fcos next image,x86_64,VM created by testcloud
lnie fcos next image,x86_64,VM created with virt-install
lruzicka QEMU [1] 1. The `vim` package cannot be installed because there is a conflict of versions, as far as I can tell from the output in journalctl when attempting to install it. However, the mechanism does work normally when trying to install a different editor, such as `e3`.
sohank2602 [1] 1. After discussing with Dusty on IRC, followed the first three steps from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_CoreOS_swap_on_zram to verify this test case


Username Profile Switch stream Bootloader updates Comments
Enter result Enter result
alciregi DigitalOcean droplet
donaldsebleung FCOS stable image with QEMU; arch: x86_64; custom Ignition file with password-based SSH access; launching with QEMU [1] [2] 1. FCOS stable prints IP address of VM to console but FCOS next does not after a switch stream. No other issues found with FCOS next
2. Switch stream stable -> next successful. Did not test rollback.
donaldsebleung FCOS stable image with QEMU; arch: x86_64; custom Ignition file with password-based SSH access; launching with QEMU [1] 1. Bootloader updates behaved as expected. Did not test automatic bootloader updates with systemd service
dustymabe FCOS stable image with qemu - rebased to next.
hricky Intel® Core™ i7-4790 CPU, 32 GB RAM, Bare Metal [1] 1. next → testing → stable
lruzicka QEMU


Username Profile Comments


Username Profile Documentation Exploratory testing Comments
Enter result Enter result
Nemric PXE installation [1] [2] 1. Setting up journald to run in RAM (since promtail send logs to grafana/loki) with : ```yaml systemd: units: - name: systemd-journald.service dropins: - name: 11-storage_volatile.conf contents: | [Journal] Storage=volatile RuntimeMaxUse=16M RuntimeMaxFileSize=16M RuntimeMaxFiles=1 - name: systemd-journal-flush.service mask: true```
2. Trying the rewritten fscahe that landed on kernel 5.17 -> sudo rpm-ostree install --apply-live cachefilesd && sudo systemctl enable --now cachefilesd Seems to be more reliable : it worked at first attempt and still alive (cat /proc/fs/nfsfs/* : fsc = yes) after nfs server reboot and/or host reboot
hricky Intel® Core™ i7-4790 CPU, 32 GB RAM, Bare Metal
lruzicka QEMU [1] 1. The approach in this procedure does not work https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/provisioning-libvirt/. Any attempt fails with "ERROR internal error: qemu ended monitor unexpectedly: 2022-04-11T11:17:53.116624Z qemu-system-x86_64: -fw_cfg name=opt/com.coreos/config,file=/home/lruzicka/todelete/coreos_yaml.ign: can't load /home/lruzicka/todelete/coreos.ign: Failed to open file “/home/lruzicka/todelete/coreos_yaml.ign”: Permission denied. "
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